UMass NLP Seminar: Spring 2025
This webpage has information about two NLP seminar activities for Spring 2025: (1) a list of NLP research talks by visitors, which are open to anyone at UMass or the Five Colleges; and (2) a graduate seminar, COMPSCI 692L, which focuses on related paper reading and discussions.
NLP Research Talks
To be announced.
COMPSCI 692L: Discussion course for the NLP Seminar
This 1-credit discussion course meets Wednesdays, 11:30am-12:45pm, room CS 142 during the semester. Instructor: Brendan O’Connor (email)
For spring 2025, the NLP seminar will focus on reading and discussing the research papers of the NLP research visitors. Visitor talks will usually not be at the class discussion time, but enrolled students will be required to attend or do make-up activities. When the schedule allows, our goal is to read papers before the researcher’s visit, and be prepared to engage with questions and discussion.
Each week’s session will focus on one or several papers, such as the work authored by an upcoming visitor. All participants will choose and read one or more papers for each week’s session, and write reactions, comments, and bring questions to class. Activities may include leading discussions and short presentations.
Depending on the schedule, the later part of the semester may feature talks and discussions of other NLP research topics.
The course is recommended for graduate students with experience in NLP, such as one from the UMass NLP courses page. COMPSCI 485 and 685 may be the most relevant.
Previous offerings of the NLP Seminar are listed on the courses page.